Paying Fees Payment - Bank And Payment Options/Pay My Visa Fee

Coming to the United States Temporarily - Nonimmigrant Visa Services
Coming to the United States Permanently - Immigrant Services
Special Visa Services

This webpage lists visa application fees và other visa related fees collected by Department of State. Lưu ý that many immigration-related forms are submitted to the Department of Homeland Security’s United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), và not lớn the Department of State. If the type of information or khung you are seeking is not shown here, select USCIS Forms & Feesto go to lớn the USCIS website to reviews more.

Bạn đang xem: Paying fees

Coming khổng lồ the United States Temporarily - Nonimmigrant Visa Services

Nonimmigrant visa application processing feesare tiered, as shown below, based on the visa category for which you are applying.

Notice: Every visa applicant must pay the visa application processing fee for the visa category being applied for, unless the application fee is not required, as listed below.

Description of Service and Fee Amount (All fees = $ in US currency)

Nonimmigrant visa application processing fee (non-refundable) for all categories below

Non-petition-based nonimmigrant visa (except E): $185.00

Includes (but not limited to), the following visa categories:


Visitor Visa: Business, Tourism, Medical treatment


Transiting the United States


Crewmembers - Airline, Ship


Student, Academic


Media và Journalists


Exchange Visitors

*Applicantsfor J visas participating in official U.S. Government-sponsored educational và cultural exchanges:No Fee(See
Exchange Visitor Visasfor further detailed fee information.)


Students, Vocational


NAFTA Professionals

SWitness or Informant*


Victim of Trafficking in Persons*


Victim of Criminal Activity*

*Though petition-based nonimmigrant visas, the processing fee for these visas is $185.00

Petition based visa categories: $205.00

Includes these visa categories:


Temporary Workers/Employment or Trainees


Intracompany Transferees


Persons with Extraordinary Ability


Athletes. Artists và Entertainers


International Cultural Exchange


Religious Worker

E - Treaty Trader/Investor, Australian Professional Specialty category visa: $315.00K – Fiancé(e) or Spouse of U.S. Citizen category visa: $265.00

Border crossing thẻ fees

Border crossing thẻ - age 15 và over (Valid 10 years): $185.00Border crossing card - under age 15; for Mexican citizens if parent or guardian has or is applying for a border crossing thẻ (valid 10 years or until the applicant reaches age 15, whichever is sooner): $15.00

Other Fees

L visa fraud prevention và detection fee - for visa applicant included in L blanket petition (principal applicant only): $500.00The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 (Public Law 114-113) increases fees for certain H-1B and L-1 petitioners. Consular sections collect this fee for blanket L-1 visa applications (principal applicant only) filed by petitioners who employ 50 or more individuals in the United States if more than 50 percent of those individuals are in H-1B or L-1 nonimmigrant status: $4,500.00

When the nonimmigrant visa application processing fee is not required:

Applicants for A, G, C-2, C-3, NATO, and diplomatic visas (defined in 22 CFR 41.26): No FeeReplacement of machine-readable visa when the original visa was not properly affixed or needs to be reissued through no fault of the applicant: No FeeApplicants exempted by international agreement as determined by Visa Services, including members và staff of an observer mission lớn United Nations Headquarters recognized by the UN General Assembly, và their immediate families: No FeeApplicants travelling to lớn provide charitable services as determined byVisa Services: No FeeU.S. Government employees travelling on official business: No FeeA parent, sibling, spouse or child of a U.S. Government employee killed in the line of duty who is traveling to lớn attend the employee’s funeral and/or burial; or a parent, sibling, spouse, son or daughter of a U.S. Government employee critically injured in the line of duty for visitation during emergency treatment and convalescence: No Fee

Nonimmigrant visa issuance fee, including border-crossing cards.

When the nonimmigrant visa issuance fee is not required:

An official representative of a foreign government or an international or regional organization of which the United States is a member; members và staff of an observer mission to lớn United Nations Headquarters recognized by the UN General Assembly; và applicants for diplomatic visas as defined under tòa tháp 22(a); và their immediate families:No FeeAn applicant transiting to and from the United Nations Headquarters:No FeeAn applicant participating in a U.S. Government sponsored program which may include applicant’s dependent spouse & children:No FeeAn applicant travelling to provide charitable services as determined by Visa Services:No Fee

Other - When a Visa is Not Required - Visa Waiver Program

Coming to the United States Permanently - Immigrant Services

Immigrant visa application processing fees are tiered, as shown below, based on the visa category you apply for.

Notice: Every visa applicant must pay the visa application processing fee for the visa category being applied for.

Description of Service and Fee Amount (All fees = $ in US currency)

Filing an Immigrant Visa Petition(When collected by U.S. Embassies and Consulates for USCIS. Fees subject khổng lồ change.)

Immigrant petition for relative (I-130)$675.00

Orphan (intercountry adoption)immediate relative petition(I-600,I-800)


Immigrant Visa Application Processing Fees (non-refundable, per person)

Immediate relative & family preference applications(processed on the basis of an approved I-130, I-600 or I-800 petition)


Employment-based applications(processed on the basis of an approved I-140 or I-526 petition)


Other immigrant visa applications(including approved I-360 self-petitioners, special immigrant visa applicants, returning resident (SB-1) applicants, & all others, except DV program selectees)


Certain Iraqi và Afghan special immigrant visa applications

No Fee

Other Fees

Diversity Visa Lottery fee (per person applying as a DV program selectee for a DV category immigrant visa)


Affidavit of Support đánh giá (only when reviewed domestically)


Note: Forms & fee amounts are listed for immigration petitions which are submitted khổng lồ Department of State, either accepted at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad, or within the United States to the National Visa Center or Kentucky Consular Center. Other immigration related forms can only be approved by the Department of Homeland Security"s United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS). For other fees (relating khổng lồ forms starting with an "I" select USCIS Forms và Fees for additional information.

Special Visa Services

Description of Service & Fee Amount (All fees = $ in US currency)

Application for Determining Returning Resident Status, size DS-117


Transportation letter for Legal Permanent Residents of the United States


Application for Waiver of two-year residency requirement, J Waiver, khung DS-3035


Application for Waiver of visa ineligibility, size I-601 (Collected for USCIS & subject khổng lồ change)


Refugee or significant public benefit parole case processing

No Fee

Note: These fee charts are based on the Code of Federal Regulations - Title 22, Part 22, Sections 22.1 through 22.7.)

Nonimmigrant Visa Information Nonimmigrant Visa Application Immigrant Visas Local Visa Programs Locations General Information

Bank and Payment Options / Pay My Visa Fee

On this page:


Most applicants, including children, are required khổng lồ pay a Machine Readable Visa (MRV) fee to lớn initiate their U.S. Visa application. This US Government-mandated fee is a visa processing fee that is payable whether or not a visa is issued.

The MRV fee is non-refundable & non-transferable. Applicants should first determine whether or not they require a visa khổng lồ travel to lớn the US before submitting their applications.

Examples of individuals that may not require a visa include, but are not limited to:

If you already hold a valid visa for your intended purpose of travel, you may not need a visa
If you are a citizen of Canada or Bermuda (but not applying for an A, E, G, K or V visa category), you may not need a visa

If you vày need to apply for a visa, please follow the payment instructions below. Applicants must make a successful payment before they are permitted khổng lồ schedule their interview appointment. Applicants who vị not pay the correct fee for their visa type may be restricted from scheduling an interview.

Once the initial interview is scheduled, applicants are limited to lớn the number of times they can reschedule their appointment. If you miss your scheduled appointment time, you may be required lớn pay the MRV fee again in order to schedule another interview. Please plan accordingly so that you are not required lớn pay an additional visa application fee. Visa application fees are non-refundable.

Xem thêm: Cách kiểm tra visa trung quốc #duhoctrungquoc #visa #visaduhoc #hocbongcsc

Remember: Applicants are limited to lớn the number of times they can reschedule their appointments. Please plan accordingly so that you are not required to lớn pay another visa application fee. Visa application fees are non-refundable.

Issuance Fee (Reciprocity Fee)

Depending on your citizenship và the type of visa you are applying for, you may also have to pay a visa issuance or “reciprocity” fee. This fee is not an MRV Fee and cannot be used khổng lồ schedule an appointment. Please make sure that you pay the reciprocity fee in advance only if you are renewing your previous và submitting your application through interview waiver channel. If you are scheduling your interview appointment, vày not pay the reciprocity fee in advance; the fee should be paid at the time of your interview at the Consular Section of U.S. Embassy/Consulate General.

Please check this pageto find out the applicable reciprocity fee amounts.

Instructions to Pay Your Visa fee

In Egypt you may pay your Visa Fee in person at any CIB Bank. You must first register on the applicant site và choose the Schedule Your Appointment’ option khổng lồ access the payment option details. See below for the steps. If you are paying for a group of applicants visit the group appointment page.

Step 1

Log-into our online applicant system and create a profile. This will ensure the proper amount is paid & activated in timely manner. Values are shown in U.S. Dollars (USD); however the Fee payable is in Egyptian Pounds (EGP).This pagehas more information about the different visa application fees.

Step 2

Click on Schedule My Appointment option on the left-hand side of your screen. Complete steps for Visa Type, Post, Visa Category và Visa Class.

Step 3

Once you are on the Payment screen, click on Payment Options. Reviews the Payment Options section on this page for further details và select your payment option. Save the visa fee receipt after paying the visa fee. The receipt cannot be replaced if it is lost. You will need the CGI reference number on the receipt to schedule your visa appointment.

The EGP amounts are based on the consular currency exchange rate determined by the U.S. Department of State. Applicants who bởi vì not pay the correct fee for their visa type may be restricted from scheduling an interview.Step 4

Once you pay your visa fee, you can schedule your interview after 12:00pm the next business day. Log-in khổng lồ your profile và complete the Schedule Your Appointment steps. You will use you CGI reference number to schedule your appointment

Fee Payment Options
Cash at Bank
Take the U.S. Visa deposit slip to the CIB ngân hàng branch when you pay your fee. You can pay your nonimmigrant visa (NIV) application fee in cash at any CIB ngân hàng branch. Cheques are not accepted. You must bring a valid government issued form of identification to make your payment. Be sure that you pay the exact amount indicated on the deposit slip.IMPORTANT: After receiving your payment, the cashier will give you a receipt containing your CGI Reference Number. Save the visa fee receipt after paying the visa fee. The receipt cannot be replaced if it is lost. You will need the CGI reference number on the receipt lớn schedule your visa appointment.Scheduling Your Interview

Whether you schedule your appointment online or tương tác our call center, you will need the CGI reference number printed on your visa fee receipt. See the example below circled in red.


Visa Application Fee Payment Processing TimelinesPayment Method
Interview Scheduling
Number for Scheduling Interview
Cash at BankAfter 12:00pm the next business dayCGI Reference No.

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